Banda Arc Geophysics

Eastern Indonesia free-air gravity anomaly maps


The maps available from the images below are of the free-air gravity anomaly surface.

Details of the data used are available on the Data Sources page.

Details of the reduction process are available on the Data Processing page.

Interactive maps - free-air anomaly

The map below has been sectioned into 25 clickable regions. Clicking on a particular region will open a new tab showing the zoomed in region in more detail. To see the whole image in a new tab click here.

Eastern Indonesia Bouguer anomaly

Palawan Free-air gravity map West Mindanao Free-air gravity map East Mindanao Free-air gravity map Palau  Free-air gravity map Yap Free-air gravity map East Kalimantan Free-air gravity map Celebes Free-air gravity map North Halmahera Free-air gravity map Pegun Islands Free-air gravity map West Caroline Free-air gravity map Makassar Strait Free-air gravity map Central Sulawesi Free-air gravity map Buru Seram Free-air gravity map Irian Jaya Free-air gravity map Papua Free-air gravity map Sumbawa Free-air gravity map Flores Free-air gravity map Timor-Leste Timor Free-air gravity map Tanimbar Kai Aru Free-air gravity map South Papua Free-air gravity map North Australian Basin Free-air gravity map Scott Plateau Free-air gravity map Bonaparte Basin Free-air gravity map North Australia Free-air gravity map Gulf of Carpentaria Free-air gravity map

Timor Island


Timor Island Free-air gravity anomaly map


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