Interactive maps - topography
The map below has been sectioned into 25 clickable regions. Clicking on a particular region will open a new tab showing the zoomed in region in more detail. To see the whole image in a new tab click here.
These topography maps are made from Sandwell and Smith marine data and SRTM data on-shore (see Data Sources for detail).
The marine data have not had the ship track artifacts removed which can lead to the creation of odd features in the Bouguer anomaly maps - check the topography maps if in doubt.
Note: the coastline database used on these maps is out-dated and not accurate. It is often displaced from the 0 metre elevation contour derived from the SRTM data. This is very evident on maps containing smaller islands or those far from main population centres.
The map below has been sectioned into 25 clickable regions. Clicking on a particular region will open a new tab showing the zoomed in region in more detail. To see the whole image in a new tab click here.